In this post, I am sharing 108 names of Ganesha with their meanings. Though it is going to be different this year amidst lockdown, the whole country is in the enthusiasm of Ganesh Utsav. The festival of the Lord of wisdom, Ganesha, is actively celebrated in many states of our country and also outside the country. Lord Ganesha is the most beloved God of Hindus. He is well-known by several names. There are 108 distinct Sanskrit names of Lord Ganesha. According to Hindu mythology, each name has a unique meaning. Let’s know about them.
Lalbaugcha Raja 2018 Image credit: Viral Sukhadia Date 14.09.18
Lord Ganesh is described by a human body, with a big belly, broken tooth, elephant’s head, four hands, and riding on a mouse. Lord Ganesha is the son of Lord Shiva and the Goddess Parvati. He is The Lord of Beginnings, intelligence, and knowledge. He is believed to be the remover of the obstacles. So, he is worshipped at the beginning of all special occasions, new work, or business.
In This Article
Meaning: Lord Ganesha is also known as Avighna. “A” in Sanskrit means “No” and “Vighna” means obstacles. Avighna means ” The one who removes or takes away all the obstacles”.
Meaning: Lord Ganesha is also known as Amit, which means the Lord who is “unique”.
Meaning: The God of the whole earth or world
Meaning: The God who has a mouse as his charioteer.
Meaning: The God who is endless or eternal
Meaning: The Lord who is a representation of the boundless knowledge.
Meaning: Buddhipriya means The Lord who gives knowledge and intelligence.
Meaning: The God who is the lord of knowledge and intelligence.
Meaning: The Lord who is the creator of gives knowledge and intelligence.
Meaning: Bhal means “forehead” and Chandra means “the moon”. Bhalchandra means God who has the moon on his forehead.
Meaning: Bal means “child” and Ganapati means “Lord Ganesh”. Balganapati means God who is a beloved child.
Meaning: Bhuvan means “Universe” and Pati means “the Lord”. Bhuvanpati means the God who is the Lord of the whole Universe.
Meaning: Bheema means the Lord who is huge and big. ( like Bhim. Bhim is one of the Pandavas, of the epic Mahabharata)
Meaning: Bhu means “Earth” and Pati means “the Lord”. Bhupati means the Lord of Earth or the whole world.
Meaning: Chatur means “four” and Bhuj means “hands”. Chaturbhuj means the Lord who has four hands.
Meaning: Deva means “God”. Devadeva means the God of all Gods.
Meaning: Deva means “God” and vrata means “vow”. Devavrata means the God who accepts all vows.
Meaning: Dharmik means the Lord who is generous and honorable.
Meaning: Devantaka means “demons” and nashakarin means “destroyer”. Devantakanashakarin means the Lord who is the destroyer of the demons.
Meaning: Devendra means “God” and rashika means “protector”. Devendrashika means the Lord who is the protector of the Gods.
Meaning: Dhoomra means “smoke” and varna means “color”. Dhoomravarna means God who is smoke-colored.
Meaning: The God who is unbeatable.
Meaning: Dvai means “two” and matura means “mother”. Dvaimatura means the Lord who has two mothers. (According to Shiv Purana, Goddess Parvati created a statue of a kid from her body impurities. It was given life after dipping it in the holy waters of River Ganga. So, it is said, that the two mothers of Lord Ganesha are Goddess Parvati and Goddess Ganga.)
Meaning: Eka means “one” and danta means “tooth”, Ekdanta means the God who is having one tooth.
Meaning: Eka means “one” and Akshara means “syllable”. Ekaakshara means the God who is having a single syllable.
Meaning: Eka means “one” and drishta means “visibility”. Ekadrishta means the God who is having focused visibility.
Meaning: Eshan means “Lord Shiva” and Putra means “son”. Eshanputra means the Lord who is the son of Lord Shiva.
Meaning: Gada means “mace” and Dhara means “holder”. Gadadhara means the God who holds a mace in his hands as his weapon.
Meaning: Gaja means “elephant” and Karna means “ears”. Gajakarna is the God who has elephant-like ears.
Meaning: Gajanana means the God whose face is like an elephant.
Meaning: Gajananeti means the God who looks like an elephant.
Meaning: vakra means ” trunk”. Gajavakra means the God who has a trunk like an elephant.
Meaning: vaktra means “the one with a curved trunk”. Gajavaktra means the God who has a curved trunk as his mouth kije elephant.
Meaning: Gan means ” number “dhakshya means “lord”. Ganadhakshya means the lord of a group of lords.
Meaning: Ganadhyakshina means the chief of all Ganas of Lord.
Meaning: The most popular among the 108 names of Ganesha is Ganpati. Ganpati means the king of all Ganas or Gods.
Meaning: Goddess Parvati is also called Gauri and suta means “child”. Gaurisuta means the God who is the son of Goddess Gauri (Parvati)
Meaning: Gunin the God who is enriched with good qualities.
Meaning: The God who is Golden Colored like turmeric.
Meaning: Heramba means the beloved son of a mother.
Meaning: The God who is Yellowish-Brown colored.
Meaning: Kaveesha means the God of poets.
Meaning: Kirti means “fame”. It means the God of glory.
Meaning: Kripalu means the merciful God.
Meaning: Krishna means ” dark complexion” and Pingaksh means “smokey eyes”. Krishna Pingaksh means the God who has a dark complexion and smoky eyes.
Meaning: Kshamakaram means the Lord who is the noble forgiver.
Meaning: Kshipra means the God who is very easy to please.
Meaning: Lamba means ” huge” and Karna means “ears”. Lambakarna means the God who has huge ears.
Meaning: odara means “stomach”. Lambodara means the God who has a huge stomach.
Meaning: Maha means “great” and Bala means “strength”. Mahabala means the very strong Lord.
Meaning: Mahaganpati means the ultimate God.
Meaning: Maha means “great” and eshwaram means “God”. Maheshwaram means the supreme God.
Meaning: Mangal means “auspicious” and murti means “image or a form”. Mangalamurti means the Auspicious God.
Meaning: Manomay means the God who conquers hearts.
Meaning: Mrityunjaya means the God who is the Conqueror of death
Meaning: Mundakarama is the God who is the home of happiness.
Meaning: Muktidaya means the God who brings eternal joy and calm with him.
Meaning: Musik means ” a mouse” and vahana means “vehicle”. Musikvahana means the God who has a mouse as his vehicle.
Meaning: Nadapratithishta means the Lord who loves music.
Meaning: Namasthetu means The God who is the destroyer of all evils and sins.
Meaning: Nandana means God who is the son of Lord Shiva.
Meaning: Nideeshwaram the Lord who is the giver of prosperity.
Meaning: Omkara means the God who represents Om.
Meaning: Pita means “yellow” and ambara means “garments”. Pitambara means God who is dressed in yellow garments.
Meaning: Pramoda means God, who is a giver of joy and happiness.
Meaning: Pratham means ” first” and eshwara means “God”. Prathameshwara means the God who is first amongst all Gods.
Meaning: Purush means God with supreme qualities.
Meaning: Rakta means the God who has a Red-colored body.
Meaning: Rudra means ” Lord Shiva” and Priya means “dear”. Rudrapriya means the dear son of Lord Shiva.
Meaning: Sarvadeva means “all Gods” and atman means “immortal supreme self”. Sarvadevatman means the God who is supreme of all Gods.
Meaning: Sarva means “all” and Siddhanta means “wisdom and skills”. Sarvasiddhanta means the God who is a giver of skills and knowledge.
Meaning: Sarvatman means God who is the savior of the whole world.
Meaning: Shambhavi means the wife of Shambhu ( Lord Shiva) i.e Goddess Parvati. Here Shambhavi refers to Lord Ganesha as the son of Shambhavi ( Goddess Parvati)
Meaning: Shashi means “moon” and varnam means “complexion”. Shashivarnam means the God who has the complexion like a moon.
Meaning: Shoorpakarna means the God who has big ears.
Meaning: Shuban means “auspicious”. Shuban refers to Ganesha as the auspicious Lord.
Meaning: Shubhagunakanan means the Lord of all virtues.
Meaning: Shweta means “white color”. Shweta refers to Lord Ganesha as the God who is as divine and bright as the white color.
Meaning: Siddhi means “success” and data means “giver”. Siddhidata means the God who is a giver of success.
Meaning: Siddhipriya means the Lord who is the bestower of fulfillment and achievement.
Meaning: Siddhivinayaka is referred to Lord Ganesha as the giver of success.
Meaning: Skanda means “Lord Kartikeya” (elder brother of Lord Ganesha. Purvaja means “elder”. Skandapurvaja means the Lord whose elder brother is Kartikeya.
Meaning: Sumukha means God with an auspicious face.
Meaning: Sureshwaram means the God of all Gods.
Meaning: Swaroop means the God who is the admirer of beauty.
Meaning: Tarun means “youth”. Tarun refers to the ageless God Ganesha.
Meaning: Uddanda means the God who punishes the evils and wicked behavior.
Meaning: Uma means “Goddess Parvati” and Putra means “son”. Umaputra means God who is the son of Goddess Parvati.
Meaning: Vakra means “curve” and tunda means “trunk”. Vakratunda means God with a curved trunk.
Meaning: Varaganapati means the giver of blessings.
Meaning: Varaprada means the God who fulfills all wishes.
Meaning: Varadavinayaka means the Lord of success.
Meaning: Veera Ganapati means the heroic Lord Ganesha.
Meaning: Vidyavaridhi means the Lord who is the giver of wisdom.
Meaning: Vighna means “obstacles” and hara means “remover”. Vighnahara means the God who removes all the obstacles.
Meaning: Another most popular name among the 108 names of Ganesha is Vighnaharta. Vighna means “obstacles” and harta means “destroyer”. Vighnahara means the God who destroys all the obstacles.
Meaning: Vighnaraja means the God of all the obstacles.
Meaning: Vighnarajendra means the God who wins over all the obstacles.
Meaning: Vighnavinashanaya means the God who destroys the obstacles.
Meaning: Vigneshwara means the God of obstacles.
Meaning: Vikat means the God whose form is huge and gigantic.
Meaning: Vinayaka means the Supreme Lord Ganesha.
Meaning: Vishwamukha means the God who is the master of the world.
Meaning: Vishwaraja means the God who is the master of the world
Meaning: Yagnakaya means the God who accepts the divine offerings.
Meaning: Yashaskaram means the God who is the giver of glory and prosperity.
Meaning: Yashvasin means the beloved and popular lord Ganesha.
Meaning: Yogadipa means the God of meditation.
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