
Why Gardening In March Is Awesome

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It’s that time of the year when many of us might be thinking about planting a vegetable garden. The problem with planting in the spring is that we’re competing with a lot of nature. February and March are the two best months to start a new garden, according to the experts. Even if you live in a warmer climate, there is a lot to be said for starting a garden in the springtime. March is an excellent period to get started with gardening. Many vegetables and flowering seeds grow well when cultivated during the cool season. So, let’s know why gardening in March is awesome and what seeds can be grown in march?


Reason Why Gardening In March Is Awesome

March is a good month, to begin with, gardening. The cool-season crops grow well in cooler soil temperatures and cooler air temperatures that we can experience in March. March is the perfect time to get seeds started indoors so they can be ready to go as soon as the last frost.

With the number of growing days in March, you can start a vegetable garden in March and have a harvest of many crops later in the summer. Bargain-priced seed packets and the increased availability of cool-season crops is the main reason why gardening in March is great. Apart from vegetables, there are also plenty of flowers that can be planted now and will start blooming in April. Thus, March is a month to stock up on food now and start getting yourself on track for the summer.



Vegetables That Grow Well In March


Variety of Vegetable Seeds


If you are not a gardener, it might seem hard to grow a garden in any season. Nevertheless, March is the perfect time to plant seeds and grow vegetables for the next growing season. In March, the ground is cool, and the air is cool, so cool-season vegetables can be planted. These vegetables include winter and fall crops that are ready to be harvested in the next growing season.

The cool-season vegetables that grow well in March are as follows: lettuce, kale, parsley, celery, spinach, turnips, radish, eggplants, beet, peas, Brussel sprouts, cabbage, cucumbers, eggplant, kale, celery, onions, mustard greens, and summer squash. These vegetables are also better able to handle the lack of sunlight during the colder months.

One of the most popular vegetables to plant in March is the tomato. Tomatoes are the perfect warm-weather crop and the best part is that they are easy to grow. Another vegetable to plant in March is pepper. Peppers thrive in hot weather and are ideal for vegetation. You can plant them in March and harvest them by summer. You can even plant them inside your house for a better start.


Flowers Seeds That Grow Well In March


Flowering Plants Seeds


March is often a time to focus on the future therefore, March to April is a good time to sow flowering seeds. In March, the leaves of trees and the flowers of plants are all too weak to resist the spring and new life so they withdraw. So. this is a suitable time to put seeds in the soil. There are a lot of flowers that grow easily and beautifully in April and May.

Here are some of our favorite easy-to-grow flowers for March to April. The flowers that grow fastest in this season are rose, morning glory, hibiscus, zinnia, tulip, gerbera, marigold, sunflower, aparajita (Clitoria), mogra ( jasmine), angelonia, wax begonia, sadabahar (vinca Rosea), poinsettia, and snapdragon. If you want to make your garden more colorful, consider giving these flowers a try.


How To Start Sowing In March

As said, March is the perfect time to get your seeds started indoors. You can start putting seeds in the greenhouse, or you can grow them near a window. If you don’t have a greenhouse, if you wish to have one you can build one. But if you don’t want to build a greenhouse, you can sow your seeds in a hygienic plastic container. You can buy seeds from a local market, plant nursery, or can order them from an online marketplace.


March is a good month for gardening because whatever you grow will be ready for the summer. Besides, gardening in March can be a lot of fun and really rewarding. To summarize, planting in March will ensure that it will provide you with great taste and nutrition. Also, keep in mind that March is not the only month that has great gardening weather. April, May, and June are also great months to start your vegetable and flower garden if you were unable to sow seeds in March.


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