
How to Promote Hair Growth Naturally

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There is no shortcut to hair growth but proper care, diet, and maintenance can help to promote hair growth naturally. Let’s know today few best and natural Hair growth tips.

Thick, long, and shiny hairs are every women’s dream. But due to lack of time and a busy lifestyle, we often end up paying less attention to our hair. Also, we neglect regular oiling and massaging of our hair. This negligence and lack of awareness results in various hair problems. If you want to grow your hair naturally then you will have to get ready to take care of your hair regularly.

There is no such trick, that ensures the growth of your hair overnight. But, it is, of course, possible to take a few measures and care for your hair, so that your Hair Growth increases more than the normal condition and your hairs remain healthy. The expert study says our normal Hair grows approximately 0.44 mm per day which depends on our age, diet, and maintenance.


How To Promote Hair Growth Naturally?



1. Proper Diet

Your hair gets nourishment from what you eat, so a properly balanced diet is very important for skin, health as well as your hair. Include vitamins, zinc, sulfur, and fibrous foods in your diet to promote hair growth naturally. Also, develop a habit to drink about 8 to 10 glasses of water in your daily routine.

Eat eggs if you are a non-vegetarian, and if you are a vegetarian then you should eat pulses, cottage cheese, green vegetables, and fruits. You should also drink carrot and beet juice. A healthy diet is essential to promote Natural Hair Growth along with care and different hair remedies.


2. Shampoo



Always use a mild shampoo or herbal shampoo for cleaning your hair. Do not shampoo every day. Washing your hair daily will only lose the natural moisture content of your hair. Washing your hair twice a week is enough.


3. Oiling

Apply oil to your hair once a week. Applying oil to your hair nourishes your hair and scalp.


  • Almond oil

Almond oil contains a lot of Vitamin E which helps promote your hair growth. Massage with almond oil in your scalp with your fingertips in a circular motion and then apply oil to your remaining hair.

  • Castor Oil

Castor oil is rich in Vitamin E and Omega 9 fatty acids which help in increasing the hair naturally. But, castor oil is very viscous and sticky, so you can mix an equal quantity of any coconut oil, olive oil, or almond oil in it and then massage your hair roots and leave it for 30 minutes. After this wash your hair with herbal shampoo.

  • Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is a coolant by nature. Massaging your hair with coconut oil promotes blood circulation and cools the scalp. Coconut oil also prevents hair fall, dandruff, and lice problems.


4. Massaging

Massaging your head is good for blood flow, which helps in preventing hair loss. Once a week, massage your hair with your fingertips with slightly warm hair oil and then wash your hair with a mild herbal Shampoo.


5. Vitamin E

To increase the growth of your hair you will have to consume food items rich in vitamin E such as almonds, sweet potato, spinach, avocado, olive oil, etc.


6. Hair Mask

  • Fenugreek

Soak fenugreek seeds in water throughout the night and make a paste in the morning. Apply this paste to your hair. A fenugreek hair mask is a boon for frizzy hairs. This mask will induce blood flow and prevent hair problems like hair fall, an itchy scalp, and dandruff.

Alternatively, you can also use yogurt with fenugreek seeds to make this hair mask.


  • Aloe Vera For Hair Growth

Aloe vera helps in hair growth and protects against hair loss. Apply the Aloe vera gel to your hair and leave it for about 20 minutes. Then shampoo your hair. Do this at least once or twice a week.


  • Curry Leaves

Grind curry leaves in a mixer. Make a paste with water or yogurt. Curry leaves are very effective for healthy hair growth.


  • Yogurt

Bacteria present in yogurt prevents dry and itchy scalp. This mask will provide everlasting shine to your hair.


  • Banana Mask For Hair Growth

Take one ripe banana and add two tablespoons, honey. Mash banana completely and add honey. Make a paste. Apply this mask to your hair. Banana is full of biotin,  a vitamin of the B complex. Banana is good for scalp health and promotes natural hair growth.


  • Egg

Apply egg white on your hair. This mask gives magical results if you want long shiny hair.


Alternatively, you can also take one egg, take one cup of milk, one teaspoon olive oil, and half lemon juice, and mix well. Apply this hair mask for 30 minutes. After this wash the hair with shampoo.


  • Henna

Make a paste of powder henna, lemon juice, and curd. Apply this paste to your hair. Shampoo your hair once dried. Henna is a good hair conditioner. It will not only induce hair growth but also give your hair a natural color.


The ingredients will depend on the length of your hair. These are some effective Hair growth masks to try if you want long shiny healthy hair. Apply these maks on your hair for 30 minutes or till dry then shampoo it off. Make sure to apply these hair masks at least once a month for noticeable results.


7. Avoid Hot Water

Do not wash your hair with very hot water. Hot water spoils the texture of hair and opens the hair follicles leading to hair fall.


8. Cleanliness

Cleanliness is equally essential along with oiling and shampoo to promote hair growth naturally. Hair should be washed with a mild herbal shampoo. Having clean hair will enable hair to grow faster.


9. Hair Protection

Whenever you go out under the sun, never forget to cover your hair with scarves. It is very necessary to protect your hair from harmful sun rays especially in hot summers.


10. Drop Your Hair Down (Toward The Front) While Combing

Taking your hair in the front and lowering your head towards the ground while combing is also one of the best ways to increase hair growth fast. Take the front of your hair and lower your head towards the ground from the front of your face and comb them gently removing all the tangles. Do this every day for 2 to 4 minutes before going to the bed or in the morning. This improves blood circulation. Avoid combing wet hair. It causes the hair to stretch making the hair follicles weak.


11. Stay Healthy And Stress-Free To Promote Hair Growth Naturally

Stress is one of the major problems in hair fall. Practice Yoga to get rid of stress and tension caused due to a busy hectic lifestyle. This will not only stop hair fall but will also give you a natural glowing happy face.


Dos and Don’ts To Keep In Mind To Promote Hair Growth Naturally

  • Whenever you go to sleep tie up the hair on your head. But do not break your hair by doing this.
  • If you swim, protect your hair from chlorine water in the pool and seawater. Wear a cap while swimming.
  • Trimming keeps your hair healthy but trimming will increase your hair length is a complete myth. So do not trim your hair unnecessarily.
  • Take a good sleep, it is a sign of good health. You will be healthy and your hair growth will also be good.


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