
21 Benefits of your Kid Volunteering

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You’ve heard of teaching your kids skills like pitching in the backyard or babysitting. Kid Volunteering is another one that will give them more insight on how they can make their community better, too!

Volunteering can teach them valuable skills, such as leadership or teamwork while giving them a break from parenting!

It’s never too early for young people who want an active life full of experiences – volunteering gives kids that chance at participating right away with organizations all over town where they’ll have fun meeting new faces just like themselves (and getting some cool badges).

There are many benefits when it comes down to choosing how much time should go into working on projects alongside others but one thing stays true no matter what: You’re helping those less fortunate than yourself which makes this act entirely selfless.


Here are 21 ways how volunteering could benefit your child


1) Increase self-confidence

Your child will feel better about themselves knowing that they are making a difference in the community. They might even feel like a hero!


2) Teach them to take initiative

If you’re not always there to tell your children what to do, then this is another great opportunity for your kid’s leadership skills to be nurtured and grow.


3) Improve their communication skills

By working with others on projects, it will help your child work with other people which can improve their communication skills throughout life.


4) Boosts brainpower!

A study was done on school children who volunteered at least once a week. The results showed that these kids had improved cognitive development over those who didn’t volunteer as often.


5) Helps them learn more about the world around them

By volunteering, your child can gain an insight into different cultures and communities which will broaden their mind. They’ll see that there’s more to the world than just their small community!

They might also be introduced to new activities or hobbies they would not have thought of trying before.


6) Increases their empathy levels

Working with others who might need more support than themselves can help your child develop a sense of gratitude and empathy towards those less fortunate. According to AmyandRose, volunteering teaches compassion and awareness on global issues too. If we teach our children to care and take action now, then we might prevent problems in later life!


7) Increase their social skills



Volunteering can help your child build their self-confidence and social skills. It gets them outside the house, interacting with other people on a more personal basis!


8) Decrease anxiety and increase happiness

This is pretty obvious really. If your child is feeling anxious or unhappy, then getting out of the house and helping others will make them feel better about themselves in no time. Volunteering can also be a great way to develop a healthy lifestyle which will boost energy levels too!


9) Increase motivation levels

Your child might find it difficult to concentrate at school or get very frustrated when they find something challenging. Volunteering gives them an alternative focus that is less frustrating but still helps them work towards their goals! This helps them find success elsewhere which might give them more confidence in other areas of their life too.


10) Reduce boredom levels

If your child is lacking inspiration at home, then you might want to encourage this side of them by getting involved with the community themselves! Volunteering gives your child something new to think about and do after school or work which will stop them from being bored. This also helps build a healthy lifestyle for your child if they are on track with what they need to eat and how much activity they’re doing each day.


11) Helps them understand hard work

When children volunteer, it can help teach the value of hard work because it’s not always easy to go out there and make a difference! If you explain that there is a lot of work that goes into making something worthwhile, then your child will take this on board and learn to better appreciate the efforts of volunteers.


12) It can help your child feel more independent!



Becoming more aware of the world and participating in it will help you build confidence so that you can be a better parent. Developing your child’s individuality means giving them space to learn from their mistakes rather than pointing out every tiny thing they do wrong. Volunteering allows children to contribute to society by doing things for themselves and becoming active members of their communities.


13) Increase confidence levels

By getting out there and doing something positive, it will show your child just what they’re capable of achieving if they put their mind to it! Volunteering is a great way to get your child ready for working life because they learn how to get things done without relying on others too much.


14) Improve concentration levels

If your child gets distracted easily, then try getting them involved with community projects or initiatives. They will have more tasks that need completing before the day’s end, so might find it easier to focus on what they’re doing at the time!


15) Learn new skills

Doing something that requires lots of perseverance and effort can help your child build up their confidence in themselves, giving them the chance to be proud about their achievements when the task’s complete.


16) Learning responsibility

Everyone should be taught how to accept responsibility from a young age, as it increases their chance of success considerably. If your kid takes on duty while volunteering, they’ll demonstrate that they can be trusted with important responsibilities as well!


17) Learn how to work as a team

When children volunteer, it’s not always easy because there are so many diverse people involved from different backgrounds and age groups. This teaches them how to really put their best foot forward when working alongside someone else, rather than just going ahead and making mistakes without thinking about anyone else.


18) It shows them the power of giving

Not only do volunteers feel good by helping others, but they also get something back too – a sense of accomplishment! Sometimes we all need that little push towards being more charitable, which is where your child can come in. They will gain a new perspective of the world if they realize how nice it feels to give back to others.


19) Learn to deal with rejection

Everyone has faced some kind of rejection, whether that’s at home or school. Volunteering helps children understand what it means and inspires them to try again until they succeed! This is an important life skill that should be taught at an early age so children don’t become disheartened by failure later on down the line.


20) Helping others makes you feel good too!

If your child volunteers, then they might learn how rewarding it is when you help someone out! They can see firsthand how participating directly in something better for everyone involved makes them feel happy and fulfilled.


21) Volunteer work is good for the mind

As well as giving back to society, you’re also improving your health at the same time! Studies have shown that participating in charitable acts regularly makes people happier and more positive in their attitude towards life too. You’ll be amazed by what getting involved can do for your wellbeing – every little help!



There are many benefits of your kid volunteering. The 21 advantages of kid volunteering listed here should give you a good idea about the impact that this activity can have on kids and their communities. We hope these points help make volunteering an enjoyable and fulfilling activity for everyone involved! If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


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Amy has a wealth of parenting experience, from when she was an expectant mother with her own toddler to now being the parent of both a teenager and preschooler. Her blog AmyandRose is aimed at simplifying life for new parents as they navigate their way through parenthood while balancing other aspects in life. Follow AmyandRose on Instagram Facebook Pinterest

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