Categories: Body Art Interesting Facts

How To Make Dark Henna Color

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Are you attending a wedding or a special occasion shortly and you want to get a henna tattoo or color your hair with henna naturally? In this post, I am sharing basic tricks to get dark Henna color at home easily, naturally, and efficiently without the use of any kind of chemicals or colors. So, keep reading to find out how to make the dark henna color both on hair and hands, and also how you can make a henna paste at home to obtain dark henna color. Well, I love henna tattoos and also like its beautiful design and dark color on my hands. We all know store-bought henna may have some traces of dye or chemicals in it, which may harm your skin and hair in the long run. So if you are a mehendi lover (henna tattoo lover) or love to color your hair naturally you may find the below tips upright.


How To Make Henna Paste At Home


Chemical added or synthetic henna can harm your hair and skin. It can cause inflammation, itching, redness on the skin. so avoid using any synthetic henna and always check for the ingredients in henna and see the reviews before buying it. However, if you have a henna plant at home, it is very convenient for you to make its paste at home. Pluck the leaves and dry them. Then in a mixer, blend all leaves to form a powder. Store this homemade henna powder in an airtight container and use it when required.




Make Henna Paste For Hair At Home



Note – Measurement may differ depending on the length of your hair. Soak henna in an iron container because it oxidizes it and gives your hair the deep color naturally.

In a glass or iron bowl, mix 1 cup henna, 1 tablespoon Shikakai powder, and 1 tablespoon coffee powder. Add water to make a smooth consistent paste. Allow this paste to rest overnight and the next morning add curd or an egg to it and mix well. Apply this henna paste on your scalp, length, and hair. Keep it on your head for 40 to 45 minutes then wash it off with lukewarm water. Do not use shampoo to wash it. After 24 hours, again wash your hair and apply your favorite oil on your hair once dry, to moisture them as henna has the potential to dry out your hair.


Make Henna Paste For Hands At Home



In a glass bowl, take 100 grams organic henna powder, 1/4 teaspoon tea tree essential oil, 1/4 teaspoon eucalyptus essential oil, and distilled water and make a paste. Fill this henna paste in a cone and it’s ready to use on hands. make beautiful designs of your choice on your hands and follow the below-given steps to obtain dark henna shade.


How To Make Dark Henna Color For Hand





1. Wash your hands and legs before applying Henna/Mehendi

Henna will rest on your hair for at least 4-5 hours. Thus wash your palms and feet thoroughly with herbal soap to make it dust-free and oil-free. This will also help henna to stick to your hands. Also, do not apply any cream or lotion before you apply henna (mehendi).


2. Apply eucalyptus oil

After you have washed your hands and feet, apply a coat of eucalyptus essential oil, commonly known as Nilgiri tel, on your skin. Eucalyptus essential oil not only smells good but also helps darken the color of the henna.


3. Apply good quality henna

First of all, try to get dye and chemicals free natural and quality henna cone. If the mehendi is of low quality all other remedies or tricks won’t work. Remember, you can make henna darker, but it should never be black. Black mehendi could contain harmful allergens.


4. Leave your henna for a longer time

You can wash off your mehendi after 7-8 hours, but if you can manage to keep it longer, leave it for about 12 hours. To get the best results for apply mehendi at least 24 to 48 hours before your special occasions.


5. Let your henna dry naturally

Allow the henna on your hands to dry naturally. Don’t use a blow dryer it can spoil your mehendi design. Avoid sitting under direct sunlight during the henna application.


6. Applying a lemon-sugar mixture

Applying a lemon-sugar mixture a couple of times is amongst the best manageable henna tricks used to get dark Henna color for ages. Dip a cotton ball in a sugar-lime mixture and apply it to the henna once it’s completely dried. Your henna will remain in contact with your skin for a longer time using this mixture, but, do not overuse it.


7. Run your hands over the fumes of the cloves

Heat a few cloves over a pan and carefully run your hands over the fumes of the cloves. Let these fumes dry up the lemon and sugar mixture. After this step, if you cant manage o keep henna on your hands, you can either scrape it or leave it as it is.


8. Apply balms after scrapping mehendi crust

If you choose to scrape off your henna you can soon apply Vicks balm to it. Balm stimulates color rise.


9. Stay away from water

Do not wash your hands with soap water immediately after scraping henna. Water will wash away the top layer of your henna and will not allow the color to penetrate deep into your skin. So ideally, don’t expose your hands to water for at least 24 hours. After 24 hours also do not wash your hand with soap water as it can fade its color.


How To Make Dark Henna Color For Hair





Henna has nourishing properties that revive the pH of the scalp to its natural acid-alkaline level, consequently unclogs the pores, boosts scalp health, stimulates the hair follicles and hair growth. It also nourishes your hair and scalp and treats dry and damaged hair making them soft, and shiny. Henna is completely safe and healthy for hair so you can apply it once every two or three months, it will improve the texture of your hair and help you obtain everlasting dark color on hair naturally.


So these were few tips which I glance upon as they always work for me. Let me know in the comments below which dark henna trick you are going to try out?


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A Proud Dog Mom, Content Creator, and Animal Lover, Amisha has a degree in MBA and Engineering. She is very passionate about writing and currently working as a Freelance Writer. She writes on several topics like Health & Fitness, Beauty & Fashion, Food, Reviews, Engineering, and Business & Marketing. In her free time, she enjoys cooking, watching movies, traveling, and spending time with her fur babies.

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