7 Amazing Wheatgrass Benefits For Health
Let us today talk about the Wheatgrass Benefits for Health. Organic fresh Wheatgrass is a rich source of vitamins A, C, and E, amino acids, iron, chlorophyll, calcium, and magnesium. All these essential nutrients packed in wheatgrass protect your body from harmful bacteria, boosts immunity, and help you get rid of body wastes.

Image Courtesy: Growing Wheatgrass | by thebittenword.com | Flickr
What is Wheatgrass?
In This Article
Wheatgrass is a hay-like-looking thick grass that’s associated with the wheat grain. Its harvested before its development reaches its full size. Mainly, in seven to eight days of its sprouting. It’s filled with abundant body essentials and natural nutrients which have many medicinal properties and several health benefits in them. Because of its many health benefits, it got noticed in the year 1930s in the United States. It’s available as raw grass, powder, and in capsules form. Wheatgrass is used for generations now. Since ancient times wheatgrass is used in the treatment of various diseases such as arthritis, cancer, skin diseases, obesity, diabetes, etc.
Many people take wheatgrass in its powder form which is also available online as well as in the market. This green powder is mixed with water and drank. Its also used as a face mask and applied on a face with milk. Regular consumption of wheatgrass juice also gives phenomenal results for the skin.
What are the constituents of Wheatgrass?
Wheatgrass is a natural source of many essential nutrients. It is a good source of protein, Vitamin A, C, E, K & B6, potassium, iron, copper, selenium, thiamin, pantothenic acid, riboflavin, niacin, zinc, and manganese. It also contains enzymes, chlorophyll, dietary fiber, and amino acids that are beneficial to health. Because of its high chlorophyll content Wheatgrass is also known as green blood.
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Top 7 Wheatgrass Benefits For Health
1. Beneficial In Stomach Disorders
The high Antioxidant content, healing, and anti-inflammatory properties of wheatgrass highly benefit many stomach ailments. Wheatgrass is rich in fiber and is also gluten-free, which is a good alternative for people suffering from gastrointestinal problems. The alkaline minerals and high magnesium content of wheatgrass provide great relief in stomach pain and gastrointestinal problems like diarrhea and constipation.
Wheatgrass also improves the digestion process making it very easy. It also balances the pH of the body. It reduces the high level of acidity in the blood and helps to regain its alkalinity. Wheatgrass, a good source of carotene along with vitamin B, C, and E, not only nourish your body but also helps in body detoxification. It helps in the internal cleansing of your body by expelling waste of the body. Wheatgrass powder also eases menstrual pain and cures irregular periods.
2. Boosts Immunity
Researchers found that the antimicrobial properties of wheatgrass can kill bacterias and fight infections. It provides resistance to people prone to allergies and infections. Wheatgrass can help protect your body from various diseases and strengthen your immune system. It also contains several enzymes that help in detoxifying the blood and improve blood circulation which is essential for a healthy body.
3. Wheatgrass Improves Your Blood health
Wheatgrass is very helpful in the treatment of anemia and the formation of RBC (red blood cells). Its powder helps in removing anemia. Wheatgrass has a high content of chlorophyll, which increases the amount of blood and maintains the level of hemoglobin normal. Increased production of blood in your body keeps you energetic and healthy. Apart from this, it also maintains and regulates the body’s blood pressure and metabolism to normal.
4. Helps In DNA Repair And The Formation Of Cells
Wheatgrass is a good source of high amino acids. Amino acids are important in protein production. This protein has a particular role in the formation of cells and DNA repair. Its powder is especially very useful in DNA repair. It also reduces and prevents cell damage inside the body.
5. Wheatgrass For The Prevention And Treatment Of Diabetes And Cancer
The Chlorophyll content of the wheatgrass helps in reducing the radiation effects in cancer patients. Cancer patients are often told to take wheatgrass powder throughout their chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Wheatgrass can help to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy. Like other antioxidants, wheatgrass may help in preventing cancer. It may slow down the growth of colon cancer and oral cancer. Apart from this wheatgrass powder is additionally useful for diabetes patients. It helps to control glucose levels by delaying the absorption of carbohydrates. Thus, it regulates diabetes. Wheatgrass could increase the level of insulin, serving to lower the glucose level in the blood. By preventing inflammation, wheatgrass can also cut back the side effects of diabetes.
6. Helpful In Weight Loss
Wheatgrass powder also helps in reducing weight by increasing the activity of the thyroid gland. It helps in promoting metabolism, which prevents obesity and indigestion which is also a risk factor for diabetes.
7. Beneficial For Skin And Nails
Wheatgrass powder is a good natural skin cleanser. It helps to remove the dead cells from the surface of your skin making it glow naturally. Wheatgrass rejuvenates your skin and provides youth and elasticity to your skin. The antibacterial properties of Wheatgrass powder prevent acne, wrinkles, and black spots. Due to its antiseptic properties, it is ideal for the treatment of wounds, and insect bites. It also provides relief from boils, skin infections, sun-damaged skin, and athlete’s feet. Wheatgrass also improves the appearance of the nails. The rich antioxidant content of wheatgrass is also a great source of vitamins that keep your nails healthy, strong, and bright.
How Much Wheatgrass Per Day?

Image Courtesy: Wheatgrass shots Sip Juice Bar by stevendepolo
Many people take wheatgrass in the form of shots, capsules, or powder. The wheatgrass powder is used to make wheatgrass juice. Per day not more than two tablespoons of wheatgrass should be taken under the specialist’s guidance at different times. Wheatgrass should be taken on an empty stomach to prevent nausea.
What Are The Side Effects Of Wheatgrass?
Although wheatgrass is safe for many adults you should consult a doctor before using it. Wheatgrass can cause nausea, constipation, or appetite loss because of the high fiber content in it. When purchasing online or from the market, make sure to buy it from a trusted place. Do not use contaminated wheatgrass as the raw wheatgrass may contain bacterias. Always wash them before using them.
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These were 7 Amazing Wheatgrass Benefits for Health. If you know some other health benefits of wheatgrass do comment below and let us know about the same. Thank you for reading.
I’m curious if cats can eat this, too…
Its many nutrients and a high chlorophyll are good for pets too. But it’s always good to consult a Vet. Because Pets are also like our babies.
I never knew very much about wheat grass Thank you for the info!
I never knew wheat grass had so many health benefits. Great post.
Thank you Jelane.
wow, i didn’t know all of this about wheat grass; I will have to consult with my DR because I still have really painful periods