16 Home Remedies For Open Pores On Face
The problem of open skin pores is often seen on many people’s faces. These pores turn out to be large and form a sac-like structure and look dull on the face. There is no permanent or overnight solution to this problem. Yet, they’re cured with the help of some cheap and simple home remedies. In this article, I will tell you what are open pores, their causes, and which are the best home remedies for open pores.
What Are Open Pores?
In This Article
There are a large number of open pores throughout our body that enable our skin to breathe. If noticed carefully, you’ll find that these pores are very tiny. But when these pores enlarge, they’re noticed with the naked eyes and so they look very clumsy. These large pores are also known as oil pores or hair follicles. They are often seen around your nose and face and they are accumulated with excess oil and impurities. Skin with large open pores appears more oily because they produce excess sebum. They give rise to bacteria and many skin problems like blackheads and, acne.
What Are the Causes of Open Pores?
One of the main reasons why some people have large pores is aging and genetics. People who are inherent with oily skin need a bigger opening for oil secretion. So they have large skin pores to ease these processes because their oil glands are more active. According to beauty experts, a bad facial massage procedure also causes large pores. In the same way, an uncleared, and unhygienic skincare routine also enlarges the skin pore. This allows the oils to accumulate into skin pores making them large and thick. The clean open pores of the facial skin determine how healthy your skin is. Read below 16 effective home remedies for open pores.
16 Home Remedies For Open Pores On Face
1. Yogurt

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How Yogurt Works On Open Pores
- Yogurt is a wonderful face cleanser that also reduces large skin pores.
- The lactic acid present in the yogurt helps to remove the dirt and oil from pores and enables them to shrink.
- Yogurt also prevents the formation of fine lines and wrinkles on the face.
- In addition, it is a very good natural skin moisturizer.
How To Use
- Take a spoonful of yogurt in a bowl mix it with the help of a spoon and apply it to your face.
- Leave it on your face for 10 to 15 minutes then rinse your face with water.
- If your skin is more oily then it would be better to mix some egg white along with yogurt.
- Repeat this remedy at least twice a week to see noticeable results.
2. Aloe Vera
How Aloe Vera Works On Open Pores
- Aloe Vera has natural astringent and emollient properties in its gel.
- The Aloe Vera nourishes your skin as well as removes the oil and dirt from the open pores.
- It not only moisturizes your face but, also reduces the open pores.
How To Use
- Remove the gel from one or two Aloe vera Leaf and apply it to your face with gentle hands.
- Leave it on your face for 20-25 minutes, then wash your face with cold water.
3. Tomato
How Tomato Works To Reduce Open Pores On Your Face
- Tomato is well-known as one of the best home remedies for open pores.
- It is rich in Vitamin C which has high astringent and anti-aging properties.
- It works as a toner and tightens the pores by toning your face.
- Tomato not only cleans your skin pores but also brightens your skin tone.
- It works well for sun-damaged skin.
How To Use
- Apply tomato juice to your face directly with a cotton ball, and leave it for 15-20 minutes. Then, wash off the tomato juice from your face.
- Or, you can mix an equal proportion of tomato juice with lemon juice and apply it to your face with the help of a cotton ball. Leave it on your face for 15-20 minutes then wash it off with cool water.
- Apply this particularly in the affected areas.
- Repeat these steps twice a week for noticeable results.
4. Gram Flour/ Besan
How Gram Flour Works
- Gram flour is one of the effective home remedies for open pores.
- It is often used for skin lightening for ages.
- It removes the dead cells of the skin, lightens skin tone, and keeps the face tight, and also reduces the pores.
How To Use Gram Flour/Besan To Treat Open Pores
- Make a smooth paste by mixing 2 or 3 tablespoons of gram flour, a pinch of turmeric, and milk, one teaspoon lemon juice. Apply this paste on your face for 20-30 minutes or until it dries completely. Later moist the paste on your face and remove it by scrubbing it in an upwards circular direction. Then wash your face with cold water.
- You can also use a spoonful of yogurt instead of lemon juice and milk.
- Use this remedy 2 times a week to reduce the pores.
5. Fullers Earth/Multani Clay
How Fuller’s Earth/ Multani Mitti Works On Open Pores On Face
- Fuller’s Earth plays an important role in reducing the oil pores.
- It absorbs the oil and keeps your face clean by removing facial dirt and impurities.
- Likewise, it also enhances your skin tone making your skin fairer.
How To Use
- Mix two tablespoons of fuller’s earth powder in two tablespoons of rosewater. Make a fine paste by mixing it well and apply it to your face. Let it rest for about half an hour or until dry. Later rinse it with cold water.
- Use this remedy if you have very oily skin.
- Repeat it twice a week for great results.
6. Honey
How Honey Works On Skin Pores
- Honey is one of the best home remedies for open pores.
- It contains antioxidants that keep the skin healthy, radiant, and young.
- It keeps the skin tight and also reduces large open pores and oil pores.
- The antimicrobial properties of honey cleanse your large pores.
- It also moisturizes your skin and brings back the lost glow of your face.
How To Use honey for open pores
- Mix one tablespoon of organic honey, with a few drops of lemon juice. Apply this mixture in an upward circular motion and leave it on your face for 10-15 minutes. Then wash your face with cold water.
- You can also apply two teaspoons of organic honey directly on large pores.
- You can also use this remedy daily.
7. Banana
How It Works On Skin
- The banana mask not only tightens the open pores but also helps in maintaining the beauty of your face.
- It nourishes the skin and keeps it healthy.
- The banana mask reduces the effect of aging and brings back the freshness on the face.
How To Use
- Take a ripe banana in a small bowl and mash it well. Apply this mask on your whole face. Wash your face after twenty minutes.
- Likewise, you can also use an egg and banana pack to shrink open pores.
- Take a ripe banana mash in a bowl and mix the egg white in it. Apply this paste on your face for 25-30 minutes.
- The open pores on your face will tighten with the regular use of this remedy.
- You can use this remedy twice or thrice a week.
8. Ice Cubes
Use Ice Cubes To Shrink Open Pores
- Ice cube not only removes oil and dirt from your open pores but also make your skin smooth.
- Ice closes the large pores and also reduces any kind of swelling on the face.
How To Use
- Wrap an ice cube in a cloth and start moving it over your face and open pores.
- Never run ice directly onto your face and not more than 20-30 seconds.
- It is best to apply ice cubes to the face before sleeping at night.
9. Papaya
Use Papaya To Tighten Open Pores
- Papaya has exfoliation properties that deep cleanses the clogged pores.
- It removes skin impurities, excess oil, blackheads on the face.
- Papaya helps to tighten the large open pores and maintains the even tone of the skin.
How To Use
- Grate one papaya slice and apply its pulp to your face. Let it dry then wash it with cold water.
- This is one of the simplest home remedies for open pores.
- You can use this remedy daily at your convenience.
10. Lemon
How Lemon Juice Help Reduce Appearance Of Open Pores
- The citric acid present in lemon juice exfoliates the skin and reduces the appearance of the large pores on the face.
- It also has bleaching properties that improve your skin tone and removes spots.
How To Use
- Mix one teaspoon of lemon juice and organic honey and apply this mixture to your face with the help of a cotton ball. It can slightly tingle on your face.
- Do not use this remedy if you have sensitive skin.
- Use this remedy thrice a week for noticeable results.
11. Tea Oil
Use Tea Oil On Open Pores
- Tea tree oil is one of the popular home remedies for open pores.
- It has antimicrobial properties to fight bacteria-causing acne and other skin problems.
- It fights oily skin and also reduces acne on the face.
How To Use
- In one cup of water add 3-4 drops of tea oil and spray it onto your face with a spraying bottle.
12. Rose Water
How Rose Water Works On Open Pores
- Rosewater works as a skin toner and closes open skin pores.
- Its astringent properties tighten the large skin pores.
How To Use
- Apply rose water directly onto your open pores with a cotton ball. Do this daily before going to bed.
- Or, Mix 1 teaspoon of lemon juice with 1 teaspoon of rose water and apply this mixture to your face. Let it remain on your face for 20 minutes then wash with cold water.
- If your skin is sensitive, then you can use a sandalwood-rose water pack.
- Mix one teaspoon of sandalwood powder in a teaspoon of lemon juice and apply it to your face. Leave it for 10 minutes and then wash with cold water. Repeat this twice a week.
13. Apple Cider Vinegar
How It Works
- Apple cider vinegar has astringent properties.
- It maintains the balance of pH on your skin and keeps your face clean.
- It is also used as a toner.
- Apple cider vinegar reduces the open large pore. It is also beneficial in reducing facial swelling.
How To Use
- Take an equal proportion of organic ACV and water and mix them. Put a cotton ball in the ACV solution and apply it to your face. Let it stay on for a few 4-5 minutes, and then wash your face with water.
- Repeat this once in a day or two and see large pores shrink on your face.
14. Baking Soda
How it works
- Baking soda has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties in it which clears the skin pores.
- Baking soda is a cheap and effective exfoliator, which removes acne and blackheads, and keeps pores clean.
- It restricts skin breakouts and the formation of large open pores.
How To Use
- Mix the baking soda with water and make a paste and then massage it lightly on your face for 20-30 seconds. Later wash it with cold water.
- Apply this daily for one week and you will your large open pores have reduced in size.
15. Egg White
How Egg White Works On Open Pores
- An egg white helps to reduce large skin pores and tighten your skin.
- It nourishes your skin and treats loose saggy skin.
- It is also used in the treatment of acne.
How To Use
- Mix one tablespoon of egg whites with lemon juice and make a paste.
- Apply this paste on your face and leave it for half an hour.
- After this wash your face with cold water.
- Repeat this remedy once a week.
16. Steaming
How Steam Help Fight Open Pores
- Steaming is the most popular among all home remedies for open pores. However, steaming is not advisable for more than 10 minutes.
- It cleans the clogged pores through perspiration.
- Steam opens closed pores and removes excess oil and dirt from it. It is the best way to keep your skin pores clear.
How To Use
- Hold your face near a facial steamer for 7-8 minutes.
- Or drape your head in a towel and carefully hold your face near a bowl of hot water.
- But, do not use this remedy for more than 10 minutes.
- And close your eyes while steaming your face.
- Steaming once a week will reduce all large open pores and make your skin clear and radiant.
If your face is full of open pores then you can fix it by using any of these 16 home remedies for open pores based on your skin type.