Surya Namaskar Asana – Sun Salutation Yoga
Surya Namaskar asana or the sun salutation is a set of yoga done to worship The Lord Sun. In our Indian culture, it’s been practiced for centuries. Sun salutation consists of 12 yoga moves done in a row. It has many benefits for mental health as well as complete health. Let’s know about it in more detail.
Surya namaskar asana is a traditional way to worship the Sun. It’s practiced by many people, fitness experts, and yoga teachers. It’s a morning exercise done to honor the rising sun. Generally, it is performed early in the morning at sunrise on an empty stomach. If done precisely, it boosts your health, decreases stiffness in the body, and revives your body, mind, and soul.
Surya Namaskar Asana Steps
In This Article

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Let’s know about the twelve Yoga steps or Surya Namaskar asanas (Sun Salutation) in detail.
1. The Prayer Posture or the Pranamasana
- To begin with, first, you have to stand at the side of your yoga mat.
- Stand straight with your feet together and maintain equal balance on both feet.
- Loosen your arms and then close your eyes.
- Raise your chest and slowly inhale raising your arms upwards.
- Then slowly exhale and bring your palms together in front of your chest in the prayer position.
Pranamasana Benefits
- The Pranamasana balances your body and relaxes your nervous system.
2. The Raised hands posture or the Hasta Uttanasana
- Slowly inhale and lift your arms behind.
- Bring your shoulder and the elbows near to your ears.
- Bend your head, hands, and chest backward.
- Try stretching out your upper body.
Hasta Uttanasana Benefits
- Hasta Uttanasana leans the abdomen muscles, stretches the hips, thighs, and knees.
3. The Hand to Foot Posture or Hastapadasana
- Slowly breathing out, try to bend your body forward from your waist.
- Keeping your spine upright, try to bend your knees.
- Now, bring your hands down near your feet.
- Bring your forehead near to your knees, keeping your knees straight.
Hastapadasana Benefits
- Hastapadasana benefits in reducing belly fat and increasing blood circulation.
- It also cures constipation and eases menstrual problems.
4. The Equestrian Posture or Ashwa Sanchalanasana
- First, breathe in and try to push behind your right leg as far as you can.
- Keep your left foot forward between your arms.
- Keep your eyes in the forward direction.
Ashwa Sanchalanasana Benefits
- Ashwa Sanchalanasana helps in maintaining the overall health of your body.
- It strengthens the back preventing back problems.
- It tones the abdomen and thigh muscles.
5. The Plank Posture or Kumbhakasana
- Hold your breath, and bring your other leg back maintaining your hands and right foot in position.
- Balance your weight on your toes and hands and bring your body in a straight line.
- Try to keep your arms at a 90-degree angle to the floor.
Kumbhakasana Benefits
- Kumbhakasana keeps your thigh muscles toned. It strengthens your wrist muscles and improves your body posture.
6. The Salute With Eight Parts Posture or Ashtanga Namaskara
- Now, bring down your knees slowly to the floor and breathe out.
- Slightly, bend your knees towards the floor, and take back your hips.
- Lower your chest and chin towards the floor.
- Your eight body parts will be touching the floor in this posture.
Ashtanga Namaskara Benefits
- Ashtanga Namaskara strengthens and improves the flexibility of your neck and spine.
7. The Cobra Posture or Bhujangasana
- Inhale and raise your chest and upper body in the Cobra posture.
- Try to bend your elbows and stretch your shoulders away from your ears.
- Look upwards and stretch your head towards the back.
Bhujangasana Benefits
- Bhujangasana Benefits in strengthening your abdominal, chest, shoulder arms, and hips. It reduces the stiffness in the back and menstrual problems.
8. The Mountain posture or Parvatasana
- Slowly breathe out, and lift your hips.
- Keep your chest facing downwards, hands, and legs straight.
- Keep your head downward, and shoulders towards the back to form a Mountain posture.
Parvatasana Benefits
- Parvatasana keeps your hands and legs strong. It improves blood circulation and strengthens the nervous system.
9. The Equestrian Posture or Ashwa Sanchalanasana
- Now, breathe in and bring your right leg forward between your hands.
- Bending your knee, keep your left foot behind and stretch as far as you can and look in the forward direction.
10. The Hand to Foot Posture or Hastapadasana
- Now breathe out and bring your left foot forward. bend your waist and keep your feet straight.
- Touch your palms on the floor and try to bring your nose near to your knees.
11. The Raised hands Posture or Hasta Uttanasana
- Now, breathe in and lift your arms and backside, keeping your shoulder and elbows near to your ears.
- Bend towards the backside and try to stretch your body back.
12. The Prayer Posture or Pranamasana
- Now, bring your arms down slowly and breathe out.
- Keep your palms in front near your chest and stand in the prayer posture and then let your body relax.
Surya Namaskar Asana Mantra and Meaning
With each Surya namaskar asana, a mantra (a sacred utterance) is chanted. Each mantra begins with ” Om ” and ends with “Namaha”. Om has its spiritual significance. Om is a sacred word or mantra in Hinduism. It is chanted during the yoga postures. Hindus consider Om as the universal name of God which involves the universe. While Namah means salutations.
1. The Prayer Posture or the Pranamasana
Mantra: Om Mitraya Namaha
Meaning: I salute the one who is kind to all.
2. The Raised hands posture or the Hasta Uttanasana
Mantra: Om Ravaye Namaha
Meaning: I salute the one who is bright and shiny.
3. The Hand to Foot Posture or Hastapadasana
Mantra: Om Suryaya Namaha
Meaning: I salute the one who ends the darkness and brings liveliness.
4. The Equestrian Posture or Ashwa Sanchalanasana
Mantra: Om Bhanave Namaha
Meaning: I salute the one who brightens.
5. The Plank Posture or Kumbhakasana
Mantra: Om Khagaya Namaha
Meaning: I salute the one who is diffused everywhere and in the sky.
6. The Salute With Eight Parts Posture or Ashtanga Namaskara
Mantra: Om Pushne Namaha
Meaning: I salute the one who nurtures all.
7. The Cobra Posture or Bhujangasana
Mantra: Om Hiranya Garbhaya Namaha
Meaning: I salute the one who flies high in the sky like a bird.
8. The Mountain posture or Parvatasana
Mantra: Om Marichaye Namaha
Meaning: I salute the one who gives light.
9. The Equestrian Posture or Ashwa Sanchalanasana
Mantra: Om Aadityay Namah
Meaning: I salute the one who is the son of divine mother Aditi.
10. The Hand to Foot Posture or Hastapadasana
Mantra: Om Savitre Namah
Meaning: I salute the one who is the creator of life.
11. The Raised hands Posture or Hasta Uttanasana
Mantra: Om Arkaya Namaha
Meaning: I salute the one who is worthy of glory.
12. The Prayer Posture or Pranamasana
Mantra: Om Bhaskaraya Namaha
Meaning: I salute the one who is the giver of knowledge and brilliance.
Surya Namaskar Asana Benefits
Surya Namaskar is performed in many schools in PT sessions. It was practiced in my school also during the physical training classes and exams. It is performed in many yoga events also for its many benefits. If practiced correctly it can benefit greatly to your body and mind. The following are some benefits of sun salutation yoga.
- Surya Namaskar asana is your natural dose of Vitamin D. Vitamin D is very essential for your body growth and development and also for a Stronger Immune System.
- It keeps your heart, liver, lungs, and kidneys healthy.
- It helps in detoxifying your body and aid in proper digestion.
- Surya Namaskar strengthens your respiratory system and nervous system.
- It promotes proper blood circulation keeping you energetic.
- It gives you naturally glowing skin and also reduces hair fall.
- Surya Namaskar helps in an increase in height in kids.
- It strengthens your joints, muscles, and improves your body posture. It also improves mobility and makes it flexible.
- The yoga steps involved in the Surya Namaskar helps you in burning calories and reducing belly fat.
- It cures insomnia and improves your lifestyle keeping it stress-free and disease-free.
- It cures menstrual problems and prevents the irregularities of the menstrual cycle in women.
SURYA NAMASKAR Kindle Edition ( Click image to buy)
Dos and Don’ts
- It is advisable to take yoga practitioners’ guidance before starting Surya Namaskar.
- Always wear loose and comfortable clothes while practicing and always use a yoga mat.
- Surya Namaskar revitalizes your body. So, the best time to perform the Surya Namaskar asanas is at the time of sunrise. But, it can also be performed in the daytime.
- It should be performed in an open ground.
- Perform the Surya Namaskar asana according to your body capacity and also increase its pace accordingly.
- Women during periods and pregnancy should avoid practicing it. However, taking an expert’s advice is recommended.
- People with a medical problem should always take a doctor’s advice before practicing it.
Check out this video for step by Step Surya Namaskar Asana – Sun Salutation Yoga
Video courtesy: Mind Body Soul YouTube Channel
Great post! THis step by step will make it easy for even the beginner! Thank you so much!
I love this! just a beginner here. Great tips
Excellent article! Thank you for sharing! I love yoga and learning about different poses 🙂